Tips for recording meeting with optimal sound quality

A Quality Recording = a Quality Transcript
- Choose an appropriate recording device and microphone. Make yourself familiar with the equipment you are using before you begin. Better equipment will provide better audio and a better transcript. Below are a few suggestions. We offer deep discounts on these products and ongoing support for the life of the units.
Start-Stop LCCRS Low Cost, 2 and 4-Microphone Conference Recording Systems Philips Kit with 4 microphones and suitcase
Use at least two independent recording devices. You’d be surprised how often batteries fail, or someone accidentally forgets to hit “record.” Another device provides peace of mind.
Test the equipment at least two hours before the start of your meeting. If you detect problems, give us a call — we’d be happy to trouble-shoot with you.
If possible, hold your meeting or interview in a quiet environment. Try to eliminate background or ambient sounds such as fans, air conditioners, office machines, telephones or traffic. Choose a room that is relatively free of echoes and reverberation. A carpeted floor may help reduce sounds of chairs scraping.
Let those around you know you are making a recording, and encourage them to keep quiet. Avoid unnecessary table sounds, such as eating, clinking ice cubes in a beverage, tapping a pencil, shuffling papers and the moving of furniture or equipment.
If you must interview someone in a restaurant or other loud space, make sure to have the microphone closest to the person being interviewed.
Most Importantly: For multiple-speaker events where the speakers need to be identified in the transcript, having someone act as the moderator is key. This person will be responsible for making sure the speakers identify themselves before they start speaking, that they speak loudly enough for everyone to hear, that people do not talk over each other, and asks people to turn off their cell phones, etc.
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